Shark Tank Idea from NAD Ministerial Called Convention

Posting the information below from the NAD Ministerial website about this great idea. This is great, lets be creative, innovative and do more of this.

A huge highlight of the Called Ministerial Convention
in Austin is the Evangelism Shark Tank, which will take
place at 9:15 PM every night of the Convention.

…going back home to your family and church inspired and equipped to be a super Spouse, the best Parent, and the exceptional Pastor God created you to be.

…being re-empowered to live your life with the priorities of Jesus, showing His grace for humanity and His compassion for all creation daily, becoming His Eyes, Heart, Hands and Feet in your world.

…presenting one of the most creative and potentially effective outreach initiatives, during the Evangelism Shark Tank contest and earning one of the prizes, which will be given out every night of the Convention (1st Place: $20,000.00 – 2nd Place: $10,000.00 – 3rd Place: $5,000.00 – 4th Place: $3,000.00 – 5th Place: $2,000.00). These funds would be committed to assisting your church or your district in the implementation of your creative Evangelism initiative. For more information, please click here:

…a new beginning, hitting the reset button, with God’s promise “Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.”

Can’t wait to see you in Austin!

Jose Cortes Jr., M.Div.
NAD Associate Ministerial Director for Evangelism